2023, cats, color, pencil


I’m working on a series of cat drawings using colored pencil. Midi, Tom’s beautiful cat black, posed for this portrait. Interesting how many colors appear in the black fur in various light situations.

Dahlia painting
2022, in progress, nature, oils, painting, plant

Flower painting

First pass at a brilliant yellow dahlia flower. Using India yellow, cad red, ultramarine, and some cad yellow light, sap green. The composition ended up off the canvas. Need to work it out better on paper, next time. According to Wikipedia, Dahlia is a genus of bushy, tuberous, herbaceous perennial plants native to Mexico and

educational technology

h5p – HTML5 Interactive Content Tool

What it is H5P (https://h5p.org/) is an open source tool that enables IDs/developers to easily create interactive HTML5 activities – such as videos with embedded quizzes, drag and drops, memory games, and interactive presentations. With this tool, developers may create and edit their interactive content directly in the browser. HTML5 is an important alternative to

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